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Old Broadway Sidewalks Project Enters Final Phase 
New sidewalk at N. Broadway and Mineral Springs

Whaley Construction crews are working on the final stage of the City’s $2.5 million project to build or improve 3,800 linear feet of sidewalk to support connectivity and safety for pedestrians and cyclists around N. Broadway and the I-640 interchange.

Old Broadway sidewalk begins 

Work on the Old Broadway Sidewalks Project has been completed on sidewalks and curb cuts at the north end of the project area, in front of the Pure Magic CarWash on Broadway, continuing south along Old Broadway, under I-640, and then onto the even older, former Old Broadway to cross the Norfolk Southern tracks near Faber Road, above the underpass that connects Old Broadway with Mineral Springs Road.

Old Broadway sidewalk at Faber 

The new sidewalk at Mineral Springs and N. Broadway connects to the $1.2 million Mineral Springs Avenue bridge and sidewalk, which reopened in June 2021. 

By design, the project creates a bypass around the N. Broadway / I-640 interchange for pedestrians and bicyclists.
“Multi-modal infrastructure improvements make Knoxville a more equitable and sustainable city,” Mayor Indya Kincannon has said.

On the new sidewalk looking north alongside N. Broadway
The Old Broadway Sidewalks project was approved by City Council in February 2021, however TDOT’s request to redesign a portion of the project adjacent to the 640 off ramp pushed the starting time back. 
The project is expected to be completed by August 2024.
Completion of the Old Broadway Sidewalks Project will bring the City closer to its goal of eventually connecting the Sue Clancy Greenway at Adair Park to Edgewood Park and the Upper First Creek greenway near La Herradura on N. Broadway.  
Posted by ptravis On 12 June, 2024 at 4:48 PM