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Revolutionary War Veteran Honored With Victor Ashe Park Gravesite Restoration 
Chances are - unless you've played disc golf and ventured into the back end of Victor Ashe Park in Northwest Knoxville - you probably were unaware that a Revolutionary War soldier is buried there.

But thanks to the Daughters of the American Revolution - with support from the City's Public Service Department - Continental Army Pvt. John Hillsman's final resting place is now more recognizable and befitting of his historical role.

 The DAR recently celebrated the restoration of the gravesite of Revolutionary War soldier John Hillsman at Victor Ashe Park.

"The ceremony was emotional and brought tears to some onlookers as his history was told ... and the Tennessee State SAR posted colors and fired a musket salute in his honor," states a social media post by the Andrew Bogle Chapter of the National Society DAR, describing the recent grave-marking ceremony.

Hillsman served in the Virginia regiment at the Battle of Guilford Courthouse on March 15, 1781, and continued with that unit until British Gen. Charles Lord Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown later that next fall, according to the DAR.

Hillsman moved to Knoxville in 1793, built a cabin, established a mercantile business, and acquired and sold land to other settlers. He retired to his farm near Third Creek, died at age 86, and was buried in a family cemetery, located in what's now Victor Ashe Park.

Descendant William Hillsman Harwood attended the DAR's November 2024 grave-marking ceremony at Victor Ashe Park, and a letter of gratitude from his fourth great granddaughter, Hollie Bevins, was read.

A podium from Third Creek Baptist Church was used to symbolize Pvt. Hillsman's part in forming the church. And the event ended with an old-fashioned picnic on the park's lawn.

"The DAR took on a major restoration of the gravesite," City of Knoxville Deputy Chief of Operations Chad Weth said. "Public Service is pleased that its crews were able to support the DAR. We replaced the fence that was severely damaged by a tree that fell a few years ago, fixed the erosion problem, and put down a gravel walking path. But DAR did everything else."

The DAR restoration included a plaque detailing Hillsman's life and a monument and marker covering the gravesite.

Here are more photos from the November ceremony:

The DAR recently celebrated the restoration of the gravesite of Revolutionary War soldier John Hillsman at Victor Ashe Park.

The Tennessee State SAR fired a musket salute at the November 2024 grave marking for Revolutionary War Pvt. John Hillsman.

A plaque details Revolutionary War soldier John Hillsman's life at the gravesite at at Victor Ashe Park.

Posted by evreeland On 13 January, 2025 at 11:55 AM