Got a great suggestion for finetuning efforts to beautify Magnolia Avenue and encourage private investment?
Can't wait to see the renderings of streetscape design details proposed for a six-block section of Magnolia Avenue between Jessamine Street and North Bertrand Street?
City of Knoxville Office of Redevelopment and Engineering Department staff and design consultants with Barge, Waggoner, Sumner and Cannon will present the proposed design details for Magnolia Avenue streetscape improvements at a public meeting from 5:30-7 p.m. today at the John T. O'Connor Senior Center, 611 Winona St.
Read the Knoxville News Sentinel's report on the proposal by clicking HERE.
Proposed improvements include raised medians to replace the center left-turn lane; bike lanes; improved sidewalks; bus pull-offs; and streetscape amenities that include street lighting, benches and bike racks. Traffic signals will be upgraded, and pedestrian signals and crosswalks will be improved. Left-turn lanes will be provided at major intersections.
Can’t attend? There will be a two-week public comment period following tonight's meeting. Email your ideas or comments to [email protected].
Updated, Jan. 22, 2016:
Visit for the latest renderings and plan details that were presented at a Thursday, Jan. 21, public meeting at the John T. O’Connor Senior Center, 611 Winona St.