Fire Alarm System - Plan Submittal and Inspection Requirements
All fire alarm systems installed within the jurisdiction of the City of Knoxville Fire Department shall meet all the applicable sections of the following:
• IFC, 2024 edition
• IMC, 2024 edition
• NFPA 72, 2022 edition
• NFPA 70, 2023 edition
• NFPA 13, 2022 edition
Approval of shop drawings is not intended to imply waiver or modification of any requirements of NFPA 72 or any other applicable criteria. Additional requirements may be made by the field inspector. For additional information or concerns contact Fire Alarms Plans Reviewer at 865-633-0400 or
Fire Alarm Design Criteria
The fire alarm system shall meet the requirements of NFPA 72 (2022) and NFPA 70 (2023) and the City of Knoxville Fire Marshal's Office.
Fire alarm/monitoring systems shall require indication of the following circumstances:
• All new fire alarm systems where the system is monitored.
• All fire sprinkler supervisory systems installed.
• Building renovations where system device upgrades and/or wiring upgrades and/or additions to the system.
• Fire Alarm renovations where system device upgrades and/or wring upgrades and/or control panel replacement is required or planned shall be determined by AHJ.
• A change in monitoring companies whether none-listed or listed shall be determined by AHJ.
Fire alarm / monitoring systems shall be upgraded to current code compliance under the following circumstances:
• Building renovations where system device upgrades and/or wiring upgrades and/or additions to the system.
• System devices and/or wiring upgrades become necessary and/or additions of 50% or more are planned.
• A change of occupancy classification where monitoring is required.
• Excessive false alarms occur due to malfunction (4 within 12 months).
Requirements for systems or situations not specifically addressed by this directive and/or refinements to this directive shall be determined by the AHJ.
Submittal Requirements
When submitting plans for review, all plan submittals must include all appropriate items from the Fire Alarm Plan Submittal checklist provided or they will not be accepted. This checklist provides a uniform approach for the design community and provides owners and fire alarm designers with complete fire alarm design and submittal package requirements. It is the responsibility of the installer/designer to assure all applicable code requirements are followed.
The City of Knoxville offers online submittals which allows for the Fire Alarm Company to upload the shop drawings for review. Fire Alarm Shop Drawings shall be submitted to:
Knox Plans / City of Knoxville Plans Review Upload Program Company Account Required
All Fire Alarm System Plan Submittals shall include:
A. An online account needs to be made with all pertinent information provided. To set up online account, call Fire Alarms Plans Reviewer at 865-633-0400 or
The information needed:
1. Company Name
2. Company contacts which include: Designer(s), Manager, controller, etc.
3. Phone number and email addresses.
4. Computer access while on phone to setup after invitation is sent.
5. Printer to print instructions from site.
B. Submittal Requirements
1. All current license and company required documentation uploaded into company License Folder.
2. Submit by file and/or folder, one copy of cut sheets, one complete set of shop drawings (upload one sheet per file/folder), calculations, and a transmittal sheet. Note: Follow the instruction manual to complete the
3. See Alarm Design Criteria and Plan submittal requirements.
Review for shop drawings can take up to ten working days to be completed. Failure to provide all of the requested information will result in unnecessary delays in the plan review process.
Approval of Plans
Installation of Fire Alarm Devices shall not be performed until shop drawings are approved. Rough-in of conduit and wiring can be performed with the understanding that any corrections to be made would be the responsibility of the Fire Alarm Contractor.
The approved plans, specifications, calculations, and permit shall remain on the job site at all times. Failure to provide the approved plans or permit at the time of inspection will result in a failed inspection and cause to reschedule.
Testing Tags
Effective January 1, 2011 fire alarm system tagging is required. All fire alarms systems shall be tagged as described in this section. Fire Alarm Inspection Tags can be purchased from TNESA (call Penny Brooks, 615-791-9590) or purchased elsewhere. If purchased elsewhere color and information shall remain consistent with the tags purchased from TNESA.
After installation or service by an approved service company, an approved service tag (as required and approved by the City of Knoxville Fire Marshal's Office) shall be completed in detail indicating all work has been performed. Then the tag should be placed in a clear pouch located on the front side of the panel in a position as to permit convenient inspection and not hamper its actuation or operation. A new tag must be placed each time service is performed.
Service tags may be removed only by an authorized employee/agent of an approved firm that has corrected the conditions and certified the service, or a representative of the authority having jurisdiction.
This tag is for Fire Department Inspection use to show Fire Alarm System or devices are Out of Service. This deficiency is a serious life safety issue and liability. If there are any impairment to the system that constitute emergency impairments as defined in applicable NFPA Standards, then a completed 'Red' tag shall be attached to the Fire Alarm Panel door and any/all annunciator panels.
Major deficiencies that may constitute a "Red" tag if the primary function is impaired or the operation of equipment is in question due to lack of testing or inspection. Examples of major deficiency would include, but not limited to:
1. Audible or visual devices are not operational
2. The fire pump does not start
3. The sprinkler system is not functioning properly
4. Battery pack not functioning
5. Over 5% of the initiating devices not functional
6. System not tested in accordance with Fire Code and 6 months overdue
7. Fire system activated (hood system, clean agent, etc.)
This tag must be completed at time of inspection in detail and placed in the plastic sleeve (recommended) attached to the front of Fire Alarm Control Panel door in front of any other tag. The tag shall indicate the servicing company, technicians name and number, date and nature of the impairment or what corrective action is necessary, and shall remain attached until all conditions are corrected. The tag should be punched, with correct month and year, to indicate the date the servicing company placed the red tag on the system.
The property owner and the Fire Marshal's Office shall be notified by e-mail immediately after any fire protection or life-safety equipment is RED TAGGED.
This tag is for Fire Department Inspection use to show a Fire Alarm System or equipment is found not to be in compliance with applicable NFPA standards or manufacture's guidelines but the system is functional.
This tag must be completed during inspection in detail and placed in the plastic sleeve (recommended) attached to the front of Fire Alarm Control Panel door in front of any other tag. The tag shall indicate the servicing company, technicians name and number, date and nature of the impairment or what corrective action is necessary, and shall remain attached until all conditions are corrected. The tag should be punched, with correct month and year, to indicate the date the servicing company placed the red tag on the system.
The property owner shall be notified of the placement of a yellow tag immediately. The Fire Marshal's Office shall be notified by the servicing companies monthly report emailed to the Fire Alarm Reviewer by the 10th of each month.
This tag is for Fire Department Inspection use for verifying qualified and licensed alarm contractors are properly inspecting and testing the Fire Alarm system according to NFPA 72.
This tag must be completed at each inspection period and placed in the plastic sleeve (recommended) attached to the front of Fire Alarm Control Panel door. The tag should be kept current and marked by the Fire Alarm Inspection Technician at each time of the NFPA 72 required inspection schedule. Green tag shall remain with system for a period of two (2) years.
The tag should be punched, with correct month and year, to indicate whether the system is current on its inspection, and has been tested in accordance with NFPA 72.
The card shall be filled in with Servicing Company and Company License number, Technician's name and certification number and approving inspectors' signature. The inspected or serviced space shall be marked based on the test results of passing or failing. A NFPA 72 Inspection form shall also be filled out and given to owner.
Testing and Maintenance Requirements
The goal of the inspection, testing, and maintenance requirements is to provide for an acceptable level of reliability for life safety by verifying that a fire alarm system is design, installed, inspected, and serviced in compliance with codes and standards, so it will perform as required. All existing systems are required by local ordinance and NFPA 72 (National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code) to have regular inspections that verify performance. There is no "grandfather" clause or automatic exclusion that exempts an existing system, required by code or not, to forego code compliance as a minimum standard for life safety.
To ensure operational integrity, the system shall have an inspection, testing, and maintenance program (NFPA 72, The program shall satisfy the requirements of NFPA 72 and conform to the equipment manufacturers published instructions and shall verify correct operation of the system (NPFA 72,
Fire alarm impairments such as systems defects and malfunctions shall be corrected (NFPA 72, If a defect or malfunction is not corrected at the conclusion of system inspection, testing, or maintenance, the system owner and Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) shall be informed of the impairment in writing within 24 hours.
The building owner or occupier of tenant space or building is legally responsible for maintaining a safe building for business invitees, licenses, and even trespassers. As such, the owner is responsible for maintaining the fire alarm system by contracting with any Tennessee Licensed Fire Alarm Company for the services of an inspection, testing, and maintenance agreement.
Notification of systems out of service
City of Knoxville Fire Marshal's Office shall be immediately notified by email sent to, whenever a required fire protection or life-safety system is placed out of service for emergency or non-scheduled repairs, replacement, or service extending over 4 hours. The Fire Marshal's Office shall again be notified when the system is restored to normal operational status. The Fire Marshal's office ( shall be notified, by e-mail, not less than 7 business days prior to any lengthy routine or scheduled repairs, or replacement time period. Certification and documentation of repairs and operational readiness of the system shall be provided to the fire code official upon request. No fire protection or life-safety equipment or system required by the Life Safety Code or IBC shall be placed permanently out of service unless prior written approval is obtained from the Fire Marshal.
NFPA 72 requires that if something is Out of Service over 8 hours that the Fire Department is notified immediately.