Bio & photo of Knoxville's Mayor, organizational chart, operating budget, proclamation requests, and history of the Mayors of Knoxville
City Council is the legislative body for the City
A list of City affiliated Boards & Commissions
Operating Budget information for the City
City Court deals with traffic citations and parking tickets
A list of Departments & Offices in the City
Civil Service Department is the employment office for the City
The Code of Ordinances for the City of Knoxville
Community Relations Department aids in the connection of the City with community organizations
Applications for various grants offered by the City
Information and data about City operations and services
Current construction and design projects associated with the City
Knoxville is governed by a Mayor and nine member City Council
Dial 3-1-1 to access information on city services and more
Resources for having or finding animals in Knoxville
City Council is the Legislative body for the City
Fire Department provides fire protection and rescue services for the City
Garbage & recycling services provided by the City
Vehicles impounded by the City
KAT provides transportation in the City through numerous bus routes and downtown trolleys
Community Television Knoxville provides videos and live streaming
Planning, zoning and land use regulations for Knoxville and Knox County
Maps of Knoxville and the surrounding area
Services available for City neighborhoods
The City's Parks, Greenways & Centers provide many recreational opportunities for Knoxvillians
PARC helps strengthen the relationship between KPD and citizens through an independent review of police actions
Police Department provides public safety for the City
The City hosts many events - Christmas in the City, Concerts on the Square, Festival on the 4th
Information on street closures, TDOT traffic cams, KAT and other transit options
Knoxville prides itself in providing the best citizen services in the area including a 311 Call Center to track requests
Accessibility resources in Knoxville
Local services to aid citizens of Knoxville with health, living and enjoying the area
Programs available to aid in home improvement
Information on Neighborhoods in the City
Hey newcomer, here's a starting point to help you learn about Knoxville
Locate a park, greenway or community center near you
Property tax rates & info, search & pay online
Safety services and resources for Knoxville citizens and visitors
Public Service provides the majority of services to City residents
Airports, bus, trolleys, streets & traffic concerns, impound lot, maps, parking, tickets
Electric, water/sewage, gas, trash, telephone, and cable utilities info for Knoxville area
Volunteer opportunities in the Knoxville area
Residents of Knoxville enjoy a beautiful city with an abundance of activities and wonderful City services
Current bid opportunities with the City
Redevelopment, grants, chamber, entrepreneurship, and other sources to aid in business development
Business License Tax Office handles business licenses, permits, inspections and taxes
Bid opportunities, auctions, contracts, development incentives, equal business opportunity
Licenses, permits and inspection requirements for local businesses
Business Support Office connects local businesses with the City
List of Diversity Businesses
Knoxville provides wonderful business opportunities with its location, City assistance, and growth possibilities
Knoxville's Visitor's Center
Police Department, Fire Department, hospitals and maps
Demographics, history of Knoxville, media, maps, volunteer info, chamber and visitor's center
Outdoor adventure area where you can hike, bike, climb, paddle in the woods in the heart of the city
Get busy outdoors with Knoxville's abundance of recreational opportunities
Things to do in Knoxville for residents and visitors
Airports, bus, trolleys, traffic concerns, impound lot, maps, parking, tickets
Weather for the Knoxville area
Visitors enjoy outdoor recreation, music, shopping, amazing food and more while in Knoxville
General Services rollover text that comes preloaded into the "Services" menu.
Asst. Chief Sonny Partin 633-0400
Public Safety Complex 1630 Huron St. Knoxville, TN 37917