Middle Housing

Middle Housing includes residential structures with more than one unit, with building footprints and scales comparable to single-family houses. 

Middle Housing types are permitted in RN-1, RN-2, RN-3, and RN-4 zoning districts, within land use areas designated Traditional Neighborhood Residential (TDR). Specific dimensional, design, and parking standards apply to Middle Housing projects. The standards can be found here. 

Where can I use this ?

Middle Housing standards may be used in the Traditional Neighborhood Residential (TDR) area.

Follow the steps below...

  1. Find the map on KGIS
  2. Select the Maps tab
  3. Then select Planning and Zoning maps
  4. Then select Sector Plan

A property’s zoning will be visible on the Zoning layer. 

Ready to Apply ?

A pre-application meeting is required prior to submitting a Middle Housing application.

We offer regular meetings at 2:00pm on the first and third Thursdays of each month. Potential applicants should contact lindsay.crockett@knoxplanning.org to schedule an individual window.