Diversity Business Directory

Purchasing Agent

Penny Owens
(865) 215-2070

400 Main St., Room 667
Knoxville, TN 37902

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The City of Knoxville actively solicits bids from Diversity Enterprise Businesses (DBE) on every project.  All parties submitting quotes, bids, proposals, or qualifications will be asked to identify the DBE category of their business as well as any subcontractors, if applicable.  The City uses the State of Tennessee’s DBE definition established by T. C. A. 12-3-1102(9) and Executive Order 14, to increase opportunities for DBE businesses, which can be found at the following link, GoDBE Certification Overview (TN.gov)

Although the City of Knoxville no longer certifies DBE’s, a vendor must be certified under the authority of an entity recognized by the City or self-certify as part of their registration with the City, in order to be established as a DBE business.  

Looking for a Diverse Business Enterprises (DBEs) to furnish products or services, or a for construction or subcontractor related services? The Diversity Business Directory is an Excel database, searchable by business name, DBE classification, product & service, location, and contact information. 

This directory contains DBE businesses registered to do business with the City of Knoxville.  The City does not make recommendations on use of the businesses but simply offers the list of those available.  Please do the appropriate due diligence before selecting a listed business for use.


View the Diversity Business Directory [XLSX]


Although the City of Knoxville no longer certifies DBE’s, a vendor must be certified under the authority of an entity recognized by the City or self-certify as part of their registration with the City, in order to be established as a DBE business.

Tennessee Governor’s Office of Diversity Business Certifications

Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT)
• TN.gov/TDOT

Small Business Administration (SBA)
• Women-Owned Business
• Minority-Owned Business

Tennessee Unified Certification Program (TNUCP Certification)
• TDOT.TN.gov/Applications/DBEDirect

National Business Supplier Development Council (MBE Certification)

Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WNENC Certification)
• WBENC.org

Tristate Minority Supplier Development Council 
• TSMSDC.net

City of Chattanooga Certification
• Certification Program Information


Vendor Registration can be completed online at, BidNet Direct. Vendors must be registered with the City in order to respond to solicitations. Quotes, bids, qualifications, or proposals submitted by businesses that are not registered with the City may be rejected. While every effort is made to ensure that registered vendors receive email notifications of solicitations when posted to the website, the City cannot guarantee receipt of these notifications. Additionally, vendors will not receive automatic email notification when an addendum is posted. Vendors are responsible for checking the website for posted addenda and must respond to all additions and alterations specified.