City vs. County Youth Basketball Championships will be held on Saturday, March 2nd, beginning at 9 a.m. at Fulton High School, located at 2509 N Broadway St.
City and County youth basketball league winners will compete for the City/County title in each league.
Admission is $3, but free to youth under fourteen years of age.
City Champ vs County Champ Schedule is as follows:
9 a.m. - Division 14U
CITY: RCA-Buntyn vs COUNTY: Powell
10 a.m. - Division 12U
CITY: CCYSP-Wilson vs COUNTY: Halls
11 a.m. - Division Girls 10U
CITY: WBBL-McLaughlin vs COUNTY: Powell
Noon - Division Boys 10U
CITY: Falcons-Hartsell vs COUNTY: Powell
1 p.m. - Division 8U
CITY: EKAA-Mallory vs COUNTY: Powell