Public Service crews with the City of Knoxville tackled the first winter snowstorm of the season with tons of salt and gallons of brine on roadways while being challenged by dozens of downed trees.
According to Sr. Director of Public Works Christi Branscom, workers cleared nearly 50 trees from streets throughout the night with the support of the Fleet Services Division, KFD and KPD. More than 960 tons of salt and 7,000 gallons of brine were used on City streets.
A specialty crew worked on downed non-emergency trees. Though most of the roads are now clear, the City's waste contractor will not be picking up trash or recycling today. Normal Friday pickup is scheduled for Saturday.
The Public Service Department has up to 180 employees and 21 pieces of equipment available to clear streets and support emergency services. Crews use salt, calcium chloride and truck-mounted snow plows to clear streets during a weather event. Sand and other aggregates are also used for some specific applications like the Gay Street Bridge and downtown sidewalks.
To see the department's snow plan in PDF format, go here: