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The Office of Neighborhood Empowerment is now accepting applications for the Neighborhood Advisory Council (NAC).

Have you ever wondered how you and your neighbors can better engage with the City of Knoxville, its offices and services? Are you an advocate for your neighborhood…and neighborhoods in general? Would you like to work with other neighborhood leaders on neighborhood issues?

If you answered "yes" to these questions, consider applying to serve on the NAC. Five of the 15 seats will become open for the January 2025 through December 2027 term. Those seats are:

Seat 1-B (Thomas Egan)
Seat 3-A (Lily Seabolt)
Seat 4-A (Monty Howard)
Seat 5-B (Vacant)
Seat 6-A (Vacant)
At-Large Seat A (Vacant)

Applications can be found by clicking the link above in the grey area.  They are due by Friday, Aug. 23, 2024 at 4:30 p.m. They can be found at the top of this page.

NAC representatives must live in the City Council district they apply to represent. At-Large candidates may live anywhere within Knoxville city limits.

To view City Council district boundaries, visit KGIS’s website and then click on Maps, Political District Maps, and City Council. You can also input your own address to find out which districts you live in.

Call the Office of Neighborhood Empowerment at 215-3232 to have a hard copy mailed to you, or if you would like more information about the positions.

Knoxville's Neighborhood Advisory Council (NAC) is appointed by the Mayor and consists of at least 15 members -- two members from each of the six City Council districts, and at least three at-large members. A member representing a particular City Council district must live in that district. At-large members also must live in the City. 

The membership of the NAC is intended to reflect the diversity of neighborhoods in Knoxville.

When a vacancy occurs, or terms are about to expire, the Office of Neighborhoods issues a call for volunteers and nominations from  neighborhood groups (via the Neighborhood Advisory newsletter), Knoxville City Council, and the NAC itself. The Office of Neighborhoods makes recommendations to the Mayor, who makes the appointments. City Council typically is asked to express its support for the appointments.

The NAC currently has 15 seats. Any city resident who wishes to be considered for appointment to the Council is urged to attend some of the NAC meetings. To apply for a seat, or to recommend someone for appointment, reach out to Debbie Sharp at [email protected].  

NAC members serve staggered terms of three years. Anyone appointed to an unexpired term may be appointed to a subsequent three-year term. Members are eligible for appointment to a second three-year term, but they must reapply for the seat and compete for the appointment along with any new applicants. Anyone who has been off the NAC for at least three years may return to the NAC for another full term.

Terms are limited to ensure that, over time, a large number of neighborhoods have a voice on the NAC; to encourage new perspectives; and to help train new leaders and expose them to citywide issues and policy matters.

Questions about the application process or the form may be addressed to Debbie Sharp, neighborhood coordinator, at 865-215-3232.