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Downtown Parking Study

The City is taking steps to improve downtown parking and mobility – and planning for future parking needs.
To gather input from stakeholders, hundreds of downtown residents, employees, patrons and property owners participated last year in a City-sponsored survey to provide feedback on what is going well, how parking is used now, and what the needs are for getting around in downtown Knoxville. Survey topics included affordability, convenience, parking location preferences, and quality of parking options.
The City also is working with a consultant, Walker Consultants, to assess downtown parking and provide recommendations. 
Click on the link below to read Walker Consultants' report, which City staff will be evaluating. The recommendations are just one of many preliminary steps being taken as the City updates and improves its parking services. 

Take the Survey


On September 5, 2023, City Council approved Resolution No. R-298-2023 authorizing the Mayor to execute an agreement with Walker Consultants to provide an analysis and recommendations for a strategic downtown Knoxville parking plan, in an amount not to exceed $87,225.00.

Walker ConsultantsWalker Consultants was deemed the most responsive and responsible proposer of four and will provide recommendations for a strategic plan based on a comprehensive analysis of all parking options. Recommendations shall include a management approach based on current and projected demand, and a comparison of our current system against best practices for similar systems.

• Resolution R-298-2023
• RFP for Downtown Parking Review Consultant Services [PDF]
• Parking Study Map of Downtown Boundaries [PDF]
• Parking Study Map of Ft. Sanders Boundaries [PDF]
• Addendum 1 for Downtown Parking Review Consultant Services [PDF]
• Walker Consultants Proposal for Downtown Parking Review Consultant Services [PDF]