If you haven't already, meet Jared Lowe!
He's new in the City's mailroom, since Wendy Rainey joined the Housing and Neighborhood Development team.
As a summer intern, Jared is assisting Patty Coleman in picking up, sorting and delivering mail to the City's various departments, both within the City County Building and beyond.
A majority of his work experience is in retail and at Knoxville TVA Employees Credit Union.
He says he's had an amazing experience so far.
"I never thought I would have an opportunity to work for the City of Knoxville," Jared says, "so being here is both a privilege and an honor. Seeing all of the respective departments and the incredible people that work within them has been extraordinary."
We're glad to have you, Jared!
And if you see him on his rounds, feel free to quiz him on the Steelers' current roster!