Holidays 2024


Indya Kincannon
[email protected]
(865) 215-2040

400 Main St., Room 691
Knoxville, TN 37902

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Holidays Movies in Knoxville
Santa Claus in Downtown Knoxville SANTA CLAUS IS COMING TO TOWN

You better watch out,
You better not cry,
Better not pout,
I'm telling you why:

        Santa Kincannon is comin' to town!
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Rudolph in Downtown KnoxvilleRUDOLPH THE RED NOSED REINDEER

If Rudolph needs a break, could Santa use the bright new Henley Bridge lights to navigate into Knoxville?

Since programmable decorative lighting returned to the street-level deck of the bridge four months ago, 45 different local events and causes have been celebrated with a rainbow of colors.             

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Little Drummer Boy in Downtown KnoxvilleLITTLE DRUMMER BOY

In the story of The Little Drummer Boy, a humble boy offers the only gift he has—a simple, heartfelt beat on his drum—and leaves a lasting impact.

Law Director Charles Swanson embodies this same spirit of quiet generosity through his decades-long mentorship of Daryl Clemes, a relationship that has grown far beyond its beginnings with Big Brothers Big Sisters of East Tennessee.

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Christmas Vacation in Downtown Knoxville CHRISTMAS VACATION

It’s a Beaut Clark!

While the Griswolds had to venture deep in the woods to find the perfect tree, Knoxville is full of real “beauts” and more are on the way.

The first week of December, Urban Forester Kasey Krouse and his team started planting 1500 new trees in Knoxville.

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A Christmas Carol in Downtown Knoxville A CHRISTMAS CAROL

How do you solve the problem of isolation? With reconnection. Scrooge learns this lesson in A Christmas Carol, and it’s a solution to decades of disconnection created in East and South Knoxville neighborhoods as a result of urban renewal projects of the ‘60s, ‘70s and ‘80s.

Learn more about the historic $42.6 million federal grant the City and KCDC received and how the Reconnecting Communities project will remove barriers to transportation and economic opportunity for hundreds of neighbors.

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Miracle on 34th Street in Downtown Knoxville MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET

The 1947 Academy Award-winning classic is a holiday treasure.

But what about the real-life, big, bold, and only-in-Knoxville Miracle on Gay Street? Our local version is also much beloved!

Read about how a few behind-the-scenes City employees enthusiastically perform their special brand of Christmas magic.

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It's a Wonderful Life in Downtown Knoxville IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE

Maybe you’ve never watched the classic Christmas film It’s a Wonderful Life through the lens of affordable housing, but Kevin DuBose surely has. The film’s themes of security, community and home in are ripe for making comparisons between Bedford Falls and Knoxville.

If a George and Mary of today wanted to buy a rickety old house, they might be able to purchase it through the City’s Homemakers program -- like the new owners and remodelers of 523 E. Oklahoma did.             

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Home Alone in Downtown Knoxville HOME ALONE

The holidays bring warmth, joy, and a fair share of hazards—whether it’s a mischievous child setting traps or real-life risks like turkey frying mishaps or Christmas tree fires.

Inspired by Home Alone, here’s how you can stay safe, protect your family, and enjoy a fun-filled holiday season.

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Peanuts Comms Style

Kristin Farley, Director of Communications,
[email protected], 865-215-2589
Eric Vreeland, Deputy Director of Communications, [email protected], 865-215-3480
Traci McDonell, Webmaster & Photographer, [email protected], 865-215-2177
Paige Travis, Senior Communications Manager, [email protected], 865-215-3659
Dan Frye, Graphic Designer, [email protected], 865-215-2163
Shawn Davis, Videographer, [email protected], 865-215-2164
Tyrone Beach, Communications Manager, [email protected], 865-215-3543

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