Senior Services


Indya Kincannon
(865) 215-2040

400 Main St., Room 691
Knoxville, TN 37902

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CAC Office on Aging
2247 Western Ave
Knoxville, TN 37921
Fax: 865-546-0832

The Office on Aging provides a wide variety of services and information for senior citizens and the family members and professionals who provide care or services for seniors.

Senior Nutrition Program
2247 Western Ave
Knoxville, TN 37921
Fax: 865-546-0832

Noontime weekday meals for persons over 60 without regard to income. Participants contribute. Golden Diners: Group dining facilities in several Knox County locations. Some transportation available. Mobile Meals: Meals delivered to homebound. (Called Meals on Wheels in other communities.)

Senior Citizens Information and Referral Service
611 Winona Street
Knoxville, TN 37917
Fax: 865-523-7869

Information on services and resources for senior citizens. Referral to appropriate agencies; follow-up on referrals when necessary. Free. Home visit can be arranged, if needed.

John T. O'Connor Senior Citizen Center
611 Winona Street
Knoxville, TN 37917
Fax: 865-523-7869

A multipurpose, comprehensive center serving all Knox County seniors age 55+ with recreation, education, support groups, and health and social services. Fees for some activities; scholarships available. Some transportation available. For a weekly schedule of programs call the Office on Aging, 524-2786 to get on mailing list for Elder News & Views, which includes a monthly schedule of O'Connor Center activities.

Frank R. Strang Senior Center
Knox County Community Services
109 Lovell Heights Road
Knoxville, TN 37922

Fitness, dance, computer, and arts-and-crafts classes; bus tours; trips; and many other recreational and educational activities.

Knoxville Service Directory for Older Citizens
Service directory published by the Knoxville - Knox County Office of Aging as a public service for older citizens in the area.

Nursing Homes
A list of nursing homes within 25 miles of the Downtown Knoxville area or you can search for nursing homes in other areas.

Senior Citizen's Home Assistance Service
215 Bearden Place
Knoxville, TN 37917

SCHAS is a nonprofit, tax exempt agency formed to provide trained home assistants for the frail, elderly and/or disabled so that they can stay in their homes for as long as possible in clean, pleasant, familiar surroundings

Veterans Services - Knox County
Knox Central Building (Sears Building)
1000 North Central Street, Box 6
Knoxville, TN 37917
Fax: 865-215-5677
The mission of the Veteran's Service Office is to assist Veterans and their dependents in filing applications and provide information to Veterans and families on all federal and state benefits earned by Veterans in their service to their country.