Check here for information and presentations from public meetings regarding the Magnolia Ave. Streetscapes Project.
JANUARY 21, 2016
A public meeting to review design details for the streetscape improvements to the model block section of Magnolia Avenue between Jessamine St. and N. Bertrand St. was held on Thursday, January 21, 2016 at the John T. O'Connor Senior Center (611 Winona St.) from 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Some of the proposed improvements include raised medians to replace the center left-turn lane; bike lanes; improved sidewalks; bus pull-offs; and streetscape amenities such as street lighting, benches and bike racks.
If you were unable to attend, a two-week public comment period will follow the January 21st meeting. Please send any ideas or comments to Bryan Berry at
[email protected].
Public Meeting Presentation, January 21, 2016 [PDF]Press Release, January 22, 2016Review Public Comments [PDF]APRIL 16, 2014On April 16, 2014, East Knoxville residents, City Council members, and business leaders shared ideas on the Magnolia Avenue Streetscapes Plan during a public forum at the John T. O'Connor Senior Center.
City staff presented schematic designs for the Magnolia Avenue Streetscapes Plan, based on recommendations outlined in the
2009 MPC Magnolia Avenue Corridor Plan.
One of three areas along the corridor (Jessamine St. to N. Bertrand St.) was recommended as a model block for detailed streetscape designs.
Public Meeting Presentation, April 16, 2014 [PDF]