Knoxville Parks and Recreation will hold the fourth annual “Doggie Dip” on Sunday, Sept. 13, from 1-6 p.m.
Inskip Pool, located at 4204 Bruhin Road, will once again be wrapping up the summer season with an exclusive dog-only swim party, sponsored Powell Animal Hospital. Dog owners are encouraged to bring their furry friends out for a refreshing dip and afternoon of socializing.
"We're happy to provide fun events that get people outdoors and enjoying a new kind of fun at the pool. This happens to be an event where the entire family is invited -- especially the dogs," said Joe Walsh, Director of Knoxville Parks and Recreation.
Cost is $5 per dog, owner included, with a two-dog maximum for each owner. Family members and guests are encouraged to join the fun as spectators for $3 per person. (Only dogs are allowed in the pool.)
The Young Williams Animal Center, local veterinarians, and several area rescue groups will be hosting booths at the dip. A raffle and auction will also be available for all who attend.
Lifeguards will be on site during the Doggie Dip.
All dogs are required to have up-to-date vaccinations, leashes, and tags for the event. Doggie Dip registration forms must be completed for each dog attending.
For registration forms or additional information about Doggie Dip Day, please visit
www.knoxvilletn.gov/recreation, call (865) 687-9919, or email
[email protected].