If you rent a house or apartment and wonder if you’re being treated fairly by your landlord, an upcoming workshop can help you decide what to do and who to call if you need assistance.
All tenants have rights regarding the property they wish to rent or are renting. And they also have responsibilities. “Rent Smart,” a tenant rights workshop, will cover the ins and outs of the landlord-tenant relationship.
Sponsored jointly by the City of Knoxville’s Office of Neighborhoods and the Parkridge Community Organization, the workshop will be held Tuesday, May 2, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.at O’Connor Senior Center, 611 Winona St. Refreshments will be served.
Mark Rigsby of the City’s Community Development department will serve as moderator. Workshop speakers are:
• Christina Magrans-Tillery, staff attorney with Legal Aid of East Tennessee, which represents tenants whose landlords have violated the state’s Landlord Tenant Act;
• Tracey Berry and Cheri Hollifield, from the City’s Neighborhood Codes Enforcement Office, which enforces the City’s housing code;
• Saadia Williams of the Tennessee Human Rights Commission works on behalf of clients who have been discriminated against with regard to housing; and
• Jackie Kittrell and Tim Howell of the Community Mediation Center, which (among other activities) helps mediate disputes between tenants and landlords.
Reserve your spot in the workshop by calling 865-215-3077; if there is no answer, leave a message with your name and phone number. Parents may also use this number to request child care.