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During the summer and fall of 2009 the city of Knoxville worked with Hedstrom Design, Landscape Architects and Vaughn & Melton Engineering to develop a streetscape plan for the major corridors within Downtown North. The goal of this work was to develop a master plan for future public investment in the area by identifying opportunities, priorities and estimated costs. A steering committee composed of local business owners and residents met three times with the design team and two public meetings were held to insure that the final product reflected a shared community vision. 

What emerged from this process was a clear consensus that the first priority for work should be N. Gay St. and N. Central St. With that mission in mind, the design team did more detail work in preparing concepts for these two corridors. At the same time opportunities for improvements on other corridors or the need for further study of traffic characteristics were identified within the design narrative that the consultants provided to the city. 

Below you will find links to the final products of this master plan process. 

Streetscape Steering Committee

10/27/09 - News Release [PDF]

11/05/09 - Meeting Presentation [PDF]

Downtown North Streetscape Project: Schematic Design Narrative [PDF]

01/15/10 - N. Central Street - Broadway to Woodland Schematic Design Illustrative Plan [PDF]

01/22/10 - N. Gay Street - Depot to Emory Place Schematic Design Illustrative Plan [PDF] 

Preliminary Environmentals for Downtown North [PDF]