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The Office of Neighborhoods offers a wide variety of programs to support resident-led, resident-controlled neighborhood organizations in the City of Knoxville. 

Click here to view events and awards presented by the Office of Neighborhood Empowerment.


• Community Wildlife Habitats - The City of Knoxville is Certified as a Community Wildlife Habitat through the National Wildlife Federation. Several of our neighborhoods are also certified as Community Wildlife Habitats. 

• Emergency Preparedness Program
 - Our Emergency Preparedness Program raises awareness, provides speakers from various emergency agencies, and helps neighborhoods develop disaster preparedness plans at the block and neighborhood levels.

• Guest Speakers Guide - This Guest Speakers Guide lists programs and speakers available for neighborhood meetings in Knoxville. Neighborhood groups needing a speaker or program should contact the agency or organization directly and make your own arrangements.

Healthy Knoxville Program - This program, fashioned after the Bill Haslam's Healthier Tennessee program, was in a pilot during 2021 and  has become an official program of Office of Neighborhood Empowerment.  It focuses on helping groups to organize around exercise, eating healthy, smoking cessation and/or looking at mental health and wellbeing. 

• Leadership Training Class - "Building Strong Neighborhood Organizations (BSNO)" is a leadership training series which works to give neighborhood members tools to strengthen their groups.   

• Neighborhood Entrance Signs - Neighborhood Signs are important for neighborhood identity.  If your group wants to install a sign, learn how to receive a city permit.

• Neighborhood Small Grants Program - The Neighborhood Small Grants Program provides competitive grants to neighborhood organizations in the city. The goal of the program is to improve the quality of life in the neighborhood while building the capacity of the neighborhood organization to better serve the community.

• Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program - (currently closed and being redesigned)

• Slow Down in K-Town - Slow Down in K-Town is a neighborhood-focused education program that can be led and implemented by each individual neighborhood to help reduce speeding in your neighborhood.

• Tennessee Smart Yards - A residential yard that is in balance with the local environment for the benefit of both people and our ecosystem. The 2022 NoogaKnox Challenge encouraged Knoxville and Chattanooga communities to improve their yards for the benefit of our region’s stormwater quality and the health of our watersheds and ecosystems.