Bill Hinton
Facility Services Manager
3209 Morris Avenue
Knoxville, TN 37909
[email protected]
Fax: 865-215-6032
Jay Tinsley
Facility Services Assistant Manager
[email protected]
• Kevin Johnson, Foreman
• Parkey Kelley, Foreman
• Steve McCloud, Foreman
Facility Services consists of 25 employees that are responsible for the maintenance and repair of over 100 City owned buildings. Facility Services performs maintenance ranging from changing out light bulbs to small construction projects.
• All Fire Department stations and administrative offices. These fire stations are occupied 7 days a week, 24 hours a day and have approximately 154,589 sq. feet of living space.
• 1,854 acres of recreational parks. This is divided up into 90 parks and incorporates 12 ball field complexes.
• 26 area Recreation Centers.
• 31 City department buildings.
• 125.7 miles of greenway trails.
There are four PM crew members that maintain city buildings, fire stations, recreation centers, parks and playgrounds. Preventive maintenance includes checking lights, outlets, plumbing, A/C filters, fire extinguishers, checking for any safety issues, and providing chemicals for pools and fountains.
This crew installs and maintains the City’s playground structures, having knowledge of and following all US Safety Commission and American Disabilities Act guidelines. They are responsible for making or refurbishing the wood park signs, installing or replacing steel or wood bollards, installing and repairing fencing and gates. This crew assists the other crews using the bobcat to dig, trench or augur.
The painters have a maintenance schedule that covers all fire halls and recreation centers which is on a rotation of about every six to eight years before starting the order again. They also paint any repaired or newly constructed area as needed and remove graffiti from city owned property.
This crew makes repairs, additions or updates on current city owned buildings. They remodel current structures or completely construct a new building or pavilion. Construction duties include roofing repairs, installing and finishing sheet rock, hanging drop ceilings, installing wood or tile flooring, installing brick paver walkways, repairing or replacing windows and doors, and repairing private property damages caused by city crews. The crew also has carpentry skills and builds original cabinets, cupboards, lockers, sliding doors, benches and shelf units for the fire stations and recreation centers.
This crew has the task of installing new HVAC systems or making repairs to existing systems. They provide regular preventive maintenance to the heat and air units of 100 plus city owned buildings which include fire stations, recreation centers, park buildings and KPD offices. Natural gas equipment, appliances, and ice machines are also repaired or maintained by the mechanical crew. This crew is responsible for testing the many backflow prevention assemblies and repairing or rebuilding them in order for them to meet KUB pressure specifications.
The plumbers make the usual repairs on sinks, showers, commodes and urinals, as well as making repairs to water heaters, garbage disposals, and dishwashers. They are responsible for repairing main water line leaks and broken irrigation lines, and leaks or broken parts on drinking fountains. They provide new construction plumbing to new build projects or new water lines to new fountain locations.
The city Licensed Certified Electrician is responsible for pulling new electrical service and running power to new construction or for new electrical equipment installation. This crew makes repairs on electrical problems and provides upgrades to service. The electrician works with Engineering to obtain the correct permits for Signal Shop installs and works with an inspector for the City of Knoxville to ensure the safety of our citizens.
This crew makes repairs to the ball field lights with a total of at least 324 poles to climb. They repair the West Hills, Tyson Park, and Harriet Tubman tennis court lights which have an average of 70 poles to climb. This in-house project saves approximately $21,000 annually, rather than hiring an outside contractor to provide the service. This crew is also responsible for hanging special event banners on the Market Square stage, both across the stage front and on the stage columns.
Facility Services also assist with the several special events the City of Knoxville hosts each year. If you have a questions or a request for one of the services that we provide,
please contact Facility Services at 215-6025 or call 3-1-1 at 865-215-4311.
To view City of Knoxville Facilities, please visit Parks and Recreation.