Parking Tickets - FAQs

Court Administrator

Holley Marlowe
[email protected]
(865) 215-7500

Public Safety Complex
1650 Huron St.
P.O. Box 2749
Knoxville, TN 37901-2749

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1) How much does a Parking Ticket cost?

Parking tickets received in the City of Knoxville are handled by City Court.
• New technology will provide City Court with automatic support for citation follow up, management and collection.
• Proposed new parking citations rates are listed below. These new rates align Knoxville with peer cities and encourage parkers to utilize appropriate parking options.

Parking Violation Current Fine Proposed New Fine
Meter Ordinance $10 $25
Overtime Parking $10 $25
No Parking Zone $15 $25
Restricted Zone $15 $25
Improper Parking $15 $25
Fire Lane or Fireplug $25 $35

Ongoing Notes:
• $1 State of TN Litigation Tax added to all citations
• Add $9 if not paid within 10 Days

Refer to the following Parking Violation Cost Table for the amount due per Parking violation type. Add $9 if the Fine is not paid within 10 business days of the Parking Ticket being issued.

Whenever you send any payment or other correspondence regarding your Parking Ticket, please reference your PARKING TICKET # when possible as well as your NAME & TAG NUMBER. 

City of Knoxville Parking Violation Cost Table
A Meter Ord. Violation $11.00 $20.00
B Overtime Parking $11.00 $20.00
C No Parking Area $16.00 $25.00
D Improper Parking $16.00 $25.00
E In Restricted Zone $16.00 $25.00
F Parking by Fire Plug $26.00 $35.00
G Parking in Fire Lane $26.00 $35.00
H Handicapped Parking $50.00 $50.00

2) I received a letter about a Parking Ticket issued to my car, but I was not driving my car that day, I had loaned my car to a friend. So am I responsible for a Parking Ticket my friend must have received?

YES, legally the registered owner of a vehicle is responsible for any Parking Tickets issued to his/her vehicle.

3) I inserted enough coins into a Parking Meter that should have paid for ‘one hour' of parking, but when I started to walk away I noticed that "no time" was showing on the meter. I inserted another coin and it did not register either. Since I had actually paid to park, I remained at that spot and left a note on my windshield about what happened. I guess the Officer did not see the note because I still received a Parking Ticket. Any suggestions?

Report the faulty meter # to Knoxville's 311 Call Center (just dial "311"), and the City's Traffic Engineering Department will check into repairing the parking meter. Then make note of the meter # and the problem on your Parking Ticket; return your Parking Ticket to City Court with your note that includes your name and address, but do not pay the ticket.

If your "faulty meter" report is confirmed then your ticket will be dismissed. If not, you will receive a letter noting that you still owe the Parking Ticket Fine.

4) My vehicle has been IMPOUNDED (TOWED). What do I do? Where do I go to recover my vehicle?

To recover your impounded vehicle, go to the City's Vehicle Impoundment Lot in East Knoxville located at 3407 Vice Mayor Jack Sharp Boulevard, Knoxville, Tennessee 37914.

* You must bring a Government issued picture ID, a licensed driver, and proof of ownership to Impoundment Lot.
* Pay any fees for towing and storage at Impoundment Lot.
* You can pay fees with Cash, MC, VISA, Debit Card w/Visa Emblem, Company Check, Cashier Check, or Money Order.
* Impoundment Lot is open 24 hours 7 days a week, BUT vehicles are only released 8 a.m. to 12 midnight 7 days a week.
* You can Call the Impound Lot at 865-215-6215 or FAX: 865-215-6225 for an exact amount due. 

5) I received a letter about a Parking Ticket issued to my car, but MY CAR DID NOT RECEIVE THAT PARKING TICKET! What should I do?

A Parking Ticket is issued to a vehicle license plate (tag) since the vehicle driver is usually not present when the Parking Ticket is written. Normally the driver is the owner of the vehicle, and normally the person who receives a Parking Ticket, whether it be the vehicle owner or not, will pay the Parking Ticket.

When a Parking Ticket goes unpaid, the Court will send a letter about the unpaid Parking Ticket to the vehicle owner. If the vehicle owner was the driver when the ticket was issued, the letter will serve as more of a reminder. However, when the vehicle had been "loaned-out", the registered owner is still considered responsible for any Parking Tickets, so the matter becomes more of a personal issue between the vehicle owner and whom-ever was using the vehicle at the time.

BUT, IF YOU/YOUR VEHICLE HAVE NOT BEEN IN KNOXVILLE TO RECEIVE A PARKING TICKET, and/or the vehicle described in the letter is not even remotely close in description to yours, then there may be an error due to the State issuing your tag # more than once.

If you believe that may have happened to you, send an email to this Court at [email protected] with the following information:

* Your Full Name (as it appears on your Driver License) 
* Address, City, State, Zip 
* Telephone # 
* Vehicle License Plate # (your tag #) 
* Your Driver License # 
* Your Date of Birth 
* Parking Ticket # (Listed on the letter you received from the Court.)

Once the Court receives your email, the Court will make a quick check with the State to confirm your information. Within 2 business days you will receive an email response approving or denying your request to "dismiss" the Parking Ticket(s) issued to your vehicle.

6) I received a Parking Ticket that I do not believe is justified. How does one go about APPEALING A PARKING TICKET?

A Parking Ticket Appeal Form must be filed at City Court within 3 days of the ticket's issue date.

Ask at City Court for further details, for a copy of the Parking Ticket Appeal Form and about scheduling of your Appeal Court Date. 

A.) You will need to complete and sign the Parking Ticket Appeal Form at the City Court Service Counter.
B.) Your Appeal Court Date will be scheduled based on the Officer's availability for Court, since a Court Hearing is required.

Parking Appeals may result in the attachment of Court Costs of $64.50. This is in addition to the Fine already listed on your Parking Ticket. Of course, if the Judge Rules you "Not Guilty", you will owe neither the original Parking Ticket Fine nor this additional Court Cost amount.)