FAQs for Streetlights

Engineering Director

Thomas V. Clabo, P.E.
[email protected]
(865) 215-2148

400 Main St., Suite 475
Knoxville, TN 37902

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Q. Who do I call to report a streetlight that is not working or is damaged?

A. Citizens are encouraged to contact 3-1-1 by phone or online to report a streetlight that is damaged or not working.

Q. What is the difference between a light watchmen and a streetlight? 

A. A KUB Light Watchmen is used to light private areas such as backyards, alleys, playgrounds, storage yards and general customer areas. These lights are installed as requested by a customer for a monthly fee. Contact your local utility company (KUB or LCUB) for private lights.  

Most KUB Outdoor Private Lights have a metal tag with a 9-digit number preceded by “LW,” for example:

Tag on KUB streetlight

Questions / comments about KUB Outdoor Private Lights can be directed to KUB’s Customer Care at 865-524-2911. 

A streetlight is used primarily to illuminate the city's public thoroughfares, right of ways and residential streets.

Most poles with a City of Knoxville streetlight attached will have a metal tag with a 4-6 digit number, similar to these: 

Tag on City streetlight

New tag on City streetlight poles

Q. Will the bright lights keep me awake at night? 

A. Not likely. The City maintenance contractor will be able to "aim" the new LED fixtures towards the public streets, which will minimize light on homes and businesses.

Q. How can I request a light shield? 

A. In certain rare situations, such as elevation changes or heavily sloped roadways, a streetlight may shine too much light on your home. In those situations, the City will evaluate to see if a shield may be used to control the light. Citizens concerned about light trespass onto their home from the new lights should assess the impact for a few days. If the new light continues to bother you, please contact 3-1-1 by phone or fill out an online form to request an evaluation for a light shield.

Q. Does the City of Knoxville remove / disconnect electrical service for tree trimming?

A. No. The homeowner / property owner is responsible for keeping limbs off of the service lines that are between the house and the streetlight pole.

Q. What companies are involved with the streetlight maintenance?

A. The City of Knoxville contracts with a local electrical firm, to maintain the streetlight system. Inspections are performed by a third party inspector.