Smarter Cities Partnership: Home Energy Efficiency

Sustainability Director

Patience Melnik [email protected]
(865) 215-2141

400 Main St., Room 598
Knoxville, TN 37902

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Like many communities, many Knoxville neighborhoods struggle with high utility bills due to aging and energy-intense homes. The City has a long history of working with community groups and utility partners to help residents reduce their utility burden. 

In 2013, a grant from the IBM Smarter Cities Challenge catalyzed the launch of the Knoxville Smarter Cities Partnership, a coalition of over 20 community organizations seeking to improve the quality, comfort, and affordability of inner-city homes through energy efficiency. IBM awarded the City $400,000 in technical assistance from expert consultants who assessed strategies to connect energy efficiency services with utility bill assistance and other programs serving lower income populations.

Project partners helped thousands of Knoxville residents improve the comfort, quality, and affordability of their homes through energy efficiency. The Partnership's innovative work secured over $20 million in resources to support education and energy efficiency upgrades, with a specific focus on helping low-income families take control of their utility bills.

SCP activities included: 

   • Knoxville Extreme Energy Makeover
   • Savings in the House
   • KUB Round It Up
   • TVA Home Uplift

Celebrating Success