The City of Knoxville maintains a 3D network of survey control points to allow surveyors and engineers to locate surveys horizontally and vertically with respect to the city survey control system. This interactive website is hosted by the Civil Engineering Division and KGIS for users to locate the nearest survey control points, print survey control data, print maps, compute bearings and distances between points, etc. The Civil Engineering Division has
more information about using the survey data, who to call for questions, and technical aspects of the survey data.
A general reminder:
KGIS Maps is an interactive mapping KGIS website for general use that displays property ownership, addresses, buildings, streets, land use zoning, wards, precincts, school zones, Knox County Property Assessor’s Parcel Identification Maps, parcel ID, recorded deed references, city limits, political boundaries, etc.
The Survey Control System (SCS) data is maintained by the City’s Engineering Department but KGIS provides the access to the data using
KGIS Maps for the SCS.
KGIS Maps for the SCS works similarly to most map viewers and the user can interactively locate areas by zooming and panning the map or lookup areas by address, parcel, street intersection, subdivision, or control point.KGIS Maps for the SCS will allow you to locate established city control points in relation to a property or other location and determine the survey control data relevant to a property of interest.
For the best results, use a browser that supports HTML 5 such as the latest versions of Google Chrome, FireFox, or Opera. For Internet Explorer you will need IE 10 for a better viewing experience.
KGIS Maps for the SCS is also a new
mobile viewer allowing the user to obtain SCS data and maps using a mobile device. The web address has be changed to allow mobile devices to perform better in relation to the infomation and data provided on the web page.
The most often used functions in this application can be found in the “I want to…” drop-down menu found in the upper-left corner of the map viewer. Some of the tools available in the drop-down menu are: Locate Control Point, Locate an Intersection, Locate an Address, Control Point Report, Calculate bearing and distance (between SCS points).
When a control point is located or identified, two links will appear in the Information Panel on the left side of the screen. By clicking on the Station ID, the published data for the point will be displayed in the Information Panel. This data can be copied and pasted. There is also a link at the bottom of this panel to create a Control Point Report. Clicking on any of the “Control Point Report” links will generate a PDF report containing a map and all the published data for the control point. This PDF document can be printed or saved, depending on the user’s preference. Additionally, any of the data in the Control Point Report can also be copied and pasted.
To determine if the property being surveyed meets the
Survey Control System Requirements in the City’s Land Development Manual, click Show the layer list from the "I want to..." menu. This will change the Information Panel so different features (i.e. Control Points Buffers) can be turned on or off by clicking the checkbox next to each feature. The City Ward Map can also be viewed by checking the box next to "City Wards" and unchecking the box next to "Basemap".
To view the data in the Information Panel, click on the magnifying glass icon at the bottom of the Information Panel.

For additional help topics,
click here to open KGIS’s Online Help content or click the Help icon in the upper-right corner of the viewer next to the Search box..