Leadership Training Class

Neighborhood Coordinator

Debbie Sharp
[email protected]
(865) 215-3232

400 Main St., Room 546
Knoxville, TN 37902

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Building Strong Neighborhood Organization (BSNO) is an 8 week training series of workshops plus a graduation. This leadership training program,  for those living in the City, is created specifically for participants in and leaders of resident-led, resident-controlled, democratically run neighborhood groups. Additionally, the training is open to individuals who would like to start neighborhood associations in unorganized neighborhoods.

Over 70 neighborhood leaders have graduated from this class in the past. We consider anyone helping in a neighborhood organization or to start an organization to be a leader. 
This course is held in the fall, is free and snacks are provided. 

Participants receive resources including a 3-ring binder full of numerous “how-to” articles on various aspects of creating and sustaining community-based organizations.

BSNO Applications will open up again in Summer 2025. 
If you have any questions please email Debbie Sharp at [email protected].