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The City of Knoxville Public Arts Committee was created in September 2008. The committee was created due to the results of the Public Arts Task Force and their recommendations to the Mayor. The purpose of the committee is "to enhance the reputation of the community, contribute to the civic environment, and enrich the lives of citizens and visitors through the involvement of professional artists to integrate public artwork throughout the City." 

The Committee shall be broadly representative of Knoxville citizens and community leaders with an interest in the arts, such as: artists, arts organization representatives, arts educators and design professionals (registered architects, interior designers, and professional engineers).


The committee consists of no less than 9 members and no more than 15 members. All members are appointed by the Mayor. All members serve three-year terms and must be confirmed by City Council. No member shall serve more than two consecutive terms.


The Public Arts Committee currently meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 4:00 p.m. via Zoom or in person. Check this page for Zoom links.

Next meeting is scheduled for June 4, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. EST
Please click this Zoom link to join the webinar
Passcode: 964780


Public Art Submission details below should be used by individuals or organizations desiring to install artwork on public property in the City of Knoxville. The Public Arts Committee meets at 4:00 PM on the first Tuesday of each month except January and July. To expedite approval, please submit the information below no later than the last Tuesday of the month to the City liaison at [email protected]. Notification of the committee’s decision and the necessary follow up with other City Departments will occur soon after the meeting.

Please provide documentation to the following items:

1. Contact person and organization (if applicable) making the request. Mailing address, contact email, contact phone.

2. Describe the proposed project’s location (including property owner information, map, and photos.) KGIS.org/KGISMaps is a helpful resource.

3. Provide one or more images or sketches of the proposed project.

4. Provide a budget for the project costs and funding sources. Please note what funding is secured and what funding is anticipated.

5. Have you engaged the City of Knoxville staff or neighborhood groups about the project?

Please know that the City of Knoxville’s Engineering Department will review the project in advance of final approval to sign off on the project’s safety. Additionally, should there be any site preparation or traffic reorientation during the installation, those items will also be addressed before final approval.

Click here to view current committee membership and to check for opportunities to serve on this committee.