Register and Set Up Profile

Civil Service

[email protected]
(865) 215-2106

400 Main St., Suite 569
Knoxville, TN 37902

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You will use your current Peoplesoft Login. Please contact the Help Desk if you do not know your login information. Click here to access the job listings and applications in PeopleSoft which are located on InsideKnoxville.knx.


In order to apply for a job or to save job searches, you must register and create a login. During the registration process, you will set up profile information including personal information such as address and contact information. This information will be used any time you apply for City jobs in the future. You may update this profile information any time it changes in the future. It is important to keep your profile information updated so that City representatives can contact you for job opportunities.

Step 1: Register

1. Click here to go to the Careers Page.
2. In the Login section, click Register Now or Register Here.
3. When the registration page opens, enter your selected User Name in the first field. This will be the User Name you will always use to login to the system.
4. In the next two fields, enter your selected password. This will be the password you will use to login to the system.
5. When you are ready to continue, click Register.

Step 2: Log in and Set Up Your Profile

1. Once you have registered, open the Careers page and enter your User Name and password.
2. Click Login.
3. The Careers home page will open. The job postings will be visible and you will have additional tools/sections that will assist you in searching for and applying for jobs.
4. On the Careers home page, click My Profile. You must complete your user profile before you can apply for a job.
5. When the profile screen opens, enter information as requested. Fields noted with an asterisk (*) are required.
6. When finished, click Save (located at the top and the bottom of the page).