Let Freedom Ring


Indya Kincannon
(865) 215-2040

400 Main St., Room 691
Knoxville, TN 37902

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Poem written for the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Commemorative Commission Interfaith Prayer Service on January 15, 2020.

By Marilyn Kallet

Kallet at MLK Interfaith Prayer ServiceLet Freedom Ring

For MLK Day, 2020

Let Freedom Ring from heaven to earth,
Resonate roots and branches.

Let Freedom sound a symphony
That blots out fear.

Let Freedom drown out tyranny,
Amplify hope and justice.

Tikkun Olam! Repair
The world.

No one promised us easy.
Each time we invoke the name

Of Martin Luther King,
Let us vow to be braver.

Let us commit good deeds
In his memory.

Let Freedom Ring in our days,
Nights and legacies.

Let us earn our good names––
Our best names: Freedom,

Justice, Equality,
In action, not just words.

Let Freedom Ring and
Let its sweet sound overpower

Dictators and small, self-
Serving men. Tikkun Olam!

Repair and rise to our best selves!
Together, united, 

We shall ring in The New Day 
Symphony Of Freedom!