Youth Opportunities


Emily Norris
[email protected]
(865) 215-3524

400 Main St., Room 691
Knoxville, TN 37902

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Looking for opportunities for young people in the City of Knoxville? You've come to the right place!

Summer Employment Banner

Currently, we are featuring programs offering employment and workforce training opportunities for youth and young adults:

City of Knoxville's Parks and Rec Positions
(Summer Camp Counselor, Lifeguards, Grounds Maintenance)
Knoxville Parks & Recreation Department (KPRD) values a diverse workforce and seeks ways to promote equity and inclusion within the organization. KPRD seeks candidates with knowledge, ability and experience working with a broad range of individuals and diverse communities.

Click Here to see Parks and Rec openings

Boys and Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley - YouthForce
The YouthForce program connects teens aged 14-18 with businesses willing to invest in their training and development. YouthForce provides a range of activities to help teens develop the skills essential for workforce success. These include getting and keeping a job, finding a career that fits each teens’ interests and talents, and allowing the teens to determine the corresponding educational and career path they need to pursue.
Click Here for more info on YouthForce

Summer Youth Employment Program
The Knoxville Area Urban League (KAUL) has partnered with the Urban League of Middle Tennessee to offer the Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP), funded by the State of Tennessee. SYEP is the nation’s largest youth employment program, connecting youth ages 16 to 24 with career exploration opportunities and paid work experiences each summer and throughout the year. Participating youth can complete up to 250 work hours at $16 per hour with a maximum benefit of $4,000.

By participating in these structured career exploration and work-based opportunities, youth are better prepared for their chosen career path.

Click Here to apply
Questions? Reach out to Carly Hammonds with the Knoxville Area Urban League: [email protected]

HireUp Knox
Looking to learn more about the 865 Academies, skilled trade opportunities, and postsecondary options? Powered by the Knoxville Chamber, HireUp Knox has resources for parents and students to view occupation data to assist in career path decisions, get more details on the 865 Academies, view educational videos from Job Pop!, get information on skilled trades, tips for interviews, and view posted internship positions in Knoxville!

Click Here to visit HireUp Knox

SEEED - Career Readiness Program
Career Readiness Program (CRP) is an 8-week training program for Knoxville’s young adults between the ages of 18 and 24. This program welcomes and pays at-risk youth to build life skills, job skills, and placement skills that will equip them for a better future.
Content includes, but is not limited to: financial literacy skills, resume writing, professional business attire education, job aptitude tests, workplace behavior skills, and professional networking. 

Click Here to learn more and apply

Knoxville Leadership Foundation - KnoxWorx

KnoxWorx is a city-wide workforce development collaborative that helps individuals obtain training and credentials in high-demand industries, leading to full-time employment.
Whether it’s getting your high school equivalency, developing your employability skills or being trained in a specific area of interest, KnoxWorx exists to help people who feel stuck find a clear path and a successful future.

Click Here to learn more and apply