Requests for Service

Engineering Director

Thomas V. Clabo, P.E.
(865) 215-2148

400 Main St., Suite 475
Knoxville, TN 37902

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When submitting a request by email to the Transportation Engineering Division at, please include the following information: 
  • First and last name, street address, and daytime telephone number
  • Location of the traffic concern (street address or intersection name)
  • Nature of the problem and the requested action
Emergency sign or signal maintenance problems, such as a downed stop sign, or a traffic signal that is on flash, should be called into the Sign or Signal Shop, depending on the problem. After normal business hours (8 am to 4:30 pm), please contact Police Dispatch at 865-215-4010.
Traffic Operations takes requests for all types of traffic signs and markings. However, only standard traffic controls are generally used. Warning signs (such as curve warning) or regulatory signs (speed limit or stop sign) are examples of standard traffic signing. Centerlines, edgelines (or fog lines), stop bars and crosswalks are examples of standard traffic markings. Traffic Operations takes requests for new traffic signals.

Traffic Operations also takes requests from the public concerning traffic safety. Typical issues are: run-off-road vehicles, recent traffic accidents, concerns about certain roadway hazards, and visibility concerns. Treatment typically involves changes to signs and markings, or removal of legitimate visibility obstructions to address any traffic safety issues.