Goals & Mission Statement

Court Administrator

Holley Marlowe
[email protected]
(865) 215-7500

Public Safety Complex
1650 Huron St.
P.O. Box 2749
Knoxville, TN 37901-2749

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Enhance public access to the court; 

Maintain a neutral, courteous, and fair forum in the resolution of cases;

To increase the quality of services through education, training, and technology;

To provide a safe, efficient, and productive workplace for all court employees and users of the court. 


Interpret and enforce the City Codes in a judicial forum;

Create and sustain a customer-oriented quality service that provides maximum access to the Court and promotes public confidence in the justice system; 

Provide judicial services for the public; 

Provide procedural remedies that promote due process of law to all individuals involved;

Continue being a contributing partner in government toward preserving the City of Knoxville as a safe and vital community.