Native Trees of Knoxville

Neighborhood Coordinator

Debbie Sharp
[email protected]
(865) 215-3232

400 Main St., Room 546
Knoxville, TN 37902

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Serviceberry (Amelanchier)Serviceberry
Usually grows to 15-25 ft. tall. This tree's berries are preferred by many different species of birds and other wildlife.
Flowering dogwood (Cornus)Flowering Dogwood
Graceful, horizontal-tiered branching, red fruits, and scarlet-red fall foliage make this tree spectacularly beautiful.
Redbud (CercisRedbud
Its pink flowers are borne in tight clusters along the stems and branches before new leaves appear, creating a showy display.
Fringe tree (Chionanthus)Fringe Tree 
The berries are attractive to wildlife. Twigs and foliage are browsed by many animals.
Witch-hazel (Hamamelis)Witch Hazel
Birds eat the fruits (small brown capsules). Deer and beavers browse the base. It has fragrant, strap-like yellow flowers.
American holly (Ilex)American Holly
The berries attract many birds and small mammal species. Also provides cover and nesting sites.
Hop-hornbeam (Ostrya)Hop-hornbeam
Provides some food value to songbirds and small mammals.  The fruit clusters resemble hops.
Sourwood (Oxydendrum)Sourwood
Height ranges from 30-70 ft. Small white lily-of-the-valley-like flowers turn red in autumn.
Carolina buckthorn (Rhamnus)Carolina Buckthorn
Ripe berries attract birds. Leaves and bark are browsed by deer. Height ranges from 12- 15 ft.
Rusty blackhaw (Viburnum)Rusty Blackhaw
Glossy, dark green, deciduous leaves turn a variety of warm hues in autumn. Flowers attract bees and butterflies. 
White/green/blue ash (Fraxinus)White/Green/Blue Ash
All three types have winged seeds that attract song and game birds, also providing cover and nesting sites.
Tulip poplar (Liriodendron)Tulip Poplar
The state tree of Tennessee, the tulip poplar has waxy leaves and is a favorite nesting tree for birds.
Red/silver/sugar maple (Acer)Red/Silver/Sugar Maple
Maples are relied on by the Rosy Maple Moth and a variety of other insects. Provides a habitat for squirrels and birds.
Sycamore (Platanus)Sycamore
A shade tree, Sycamore grows to a larger trunk diameter (11 ft.) than any other native hardwood.
River birch (Betula)River Birch
Birch trees provide a great habitat for birds and squirrels. The silver bark peels to reveal a cinnamon-brown trunk beneath.
Blackgum (Nyssa)Blackgum
Smooth, waxy dark-green summer foliage changes to fluorescent yellow, orange, scarlet and purple in fall.

Source: Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center