KPD Prepared for Holiday Travel

Communications Director

Kristin Farley
(865) 215-2589

400 Main St., Room 691
Knoxville, TN 37902

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KPD Prepared for Holiday Travel

Posted: 11/23/2004
 Knoxville Mayor Bill Haslam and Deputy Chief Gus Paidousis today announced traffic enforcement measures for the Thanksgiving Holiday weekend. Special traffic enforcement procedures will begin at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 24, 2004 and conclude at midnight on Sunday, November 28, 2004.

Deputy Chief Paidousis said that officers will patrol the interstates and major arterial routes throughout the city looking for motorists who are speeding, driving recklessly, or who are driving while impaired. Officers will also be enforcing the seatbelt and child restraint laws.

Deputy Chief Paidousis said, "Officers will continue with their increased focus in construction zones along the interstate system. By slowing down motorists' in work zones the risk for traffic crashes will also decrease."

The last fatality to occur during the 104 hour-long Thanksgiving traffic enforcement effort was recorded in 2000.

Last year, Knoxville Police Department officers issued 1,636 citations to motorists during the special enforcement campaign. Officers also investigated 112 traffic crashes with 17 of those resulting in injuries to drivers and passengers.

Mayor Haslam said, "The Thanksgiving Holiday kicks off a very exciting time of year. We would urge motorists to slow down and drive cautiously to help avoid becoming a victim of a traffic crash this holiday season."

Deputy Chief Paidousis said, "The Thanksgiving Holiday is typically the busiest travel time of the year. Through the use of Directed Patrols, Saturation Patrols, and the nationally recognized Triple Jeopardy Campaign, we hope to make the streets of Knoxville safe for residents and visitors." "Citizens can increase their safety and help others to remain safe by slowing down, using their seat belt, and by not driving while drinking," Deputy Chief Paidousis concluded.