Knoxville Mayor Bill Haslam and Police Chief Sterling Owen named Officer Adam Willson, Officer Shawn Neal, and Officer Hakan Dururvurur as the Officers of the Month for May. Officer Willson and Officer Neal have been with the Knoxville Police Department since January 2001. Officer Dururvurur is in his first year of service.
Chief Owen said that on May 8, 2005 at approximately 8:32 a.m., Officers Willson, Neal and Dururvurur responded to a vehicle burglary call at R.T. Clapp Auto Repair located at 2045 E. Magnolia Avenue. After obtaining a description of the possible suspect, the three officers immediately started searching the area. As Officer Willson approached the intersection of Linden Avenue and Olive Street, he observed an individual that matched the description of the suspect. That individual was detained and transported back to the crime scene. A witness to the burglary was able to positively identify the individual as the correct suspect. The suspect was also in possession of several items that belonged to the victim in addition to burglary tools that were recovered during the arrest.
Chief Owen said, "By using their knowledge of the area and taking the initiative to search for the suspect near where the burglary occurred, these officers were able to locate and arrest the burglary suspect. As a result of this arrest, investigators are currently reviewing other similar cases to determine if this suspect could be responsible for additional crimes."
Mayor Haslam said, "These officers are commended for making a great arrest. Due to their hard work and determination, additional crimes may have been prevented from occurring in this area."
The suspect, Billy Ray Hooker, was charged with burglary of a motor vehicle. Hooker's DOB is 12-21-61.
The officers will receive a signed certificate from the Mayor and Chief along with a free dinner from Ruby Tuesday Restaurant.