Four finalists have been selected for interviews on their proposals to redevelop city-owned assets at World's Fair Park, Mayor Bill Haslam announced today.
The interviews are scheduled for Tuesday, January 25 from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. in the Small Assembly Room of the City County Building.
An evaluation committee has recommended four development proposals for consideration by Mayor Haslam and the committee. Those proposals were submitted by: Dewhirst Properties, Segundo Properties and Terminus Real Estate, all of Knoxville, and Kinsey Probasco & Associates, of Chattanooga.

The interviews will be open to the public, and all proposals will be available for review at that time.
"I am pleased with the response to the City's request for proposals and remain excited about the potential redeveloping these buildings has for downtown Knoxville and surrounding neighborhoods," Mayor Haslam said.
The City issued a request for proposals (RFP) on Nov. 30 for the redevelopment and/or adaptive reuse of four structures at World's Fair Park -- the Sunsphere, Tennessee Amphitheater, the Candy Factory and the Victorian Houses - after a public process that included the solicitation of comments from citizens about the potential reuse of these structures, tours of the park and buildings, and a public meeting to review suggestions and comments.