Bent Fork Bikefest Rolls into Knoxville

Communications Director

Kristin Farley
(865) 215-2589

400 Main St., Room 691
Knoxville, TN 37902

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Bent Fork Bikefest Rolls into Knoxville

Posted: 09/25/2006
Bent Fork Production will host the 2nd Annual Bent Fork Bike Fest September 29 - October 1 on the grounds of the Worlds Fair Park in Knoxville, TN. The Bent Fork Bike Fest is a major all-brand motorcycle rally where there is something for everyone.

The event features free admission and three days of rock, county and blues bands on the Festival Lawn at the Worlds Fair Park. There will also be an additional major concert on the Performance Lawn Saturday night featuring Trace Adkins, The Kentucky Headhunters and Bomshel which attendees can purchase tickets for $35. Each day will feature various musical acts, an indoor Vendor Mall inside the KCEC Convention Center, motorcycle-oriented contests, shows and other activities.

The 3-day event features lots of music and fun for everyone! Check out the $10,000 cash prize pool bike show. See the latest industry trends and merchandise. Take a demo ride from 6 different manufacturers and watch three different professional Wake Boarders demo with the help of a wench in the Worlds Fair Park Lake.

Register to win a $40,000 custom built American Ironhorse Texas Chopper to be given away during the Trace Adkins Concert Saturday night. The lucky winner will be drawn by a patient from the St. Judes Children's Research Hospital with the assistance of Senator Tim Burchett right before the duo welcomes Trace Adkins to the stage.

In addition, the fest will also host a Sunday service at noon on the Festival Lawn at the Worlds Fair Park. The service will be ministered by His Laboring Few Motorcycle Ministries. Individual Blessing of the Bikes and Bikers will be available upon requests. Due to popular demand, Sunday will feature a Ride-In Bike Show as well.

This year's event will support St. Judes Children's Research Hospital and the Salvation Army will be the beneficiary of all water sales on the Festival Lawn.