Knoxville Mayor Bill Haslam and Police Chief Sterling Owen named Officer Robert Taylor the March Officer of the Month. Officer Taylor has been with the department since May 1994.
Chief Owen said in December 2005, Officer Taylor responded to 5115 Sunset Road to investigate a residential burglary. Over the next three months this same residence would be burglarized two additional times. During the last incident, the victim saw the suspect as he fled the residence and was able to provide a description of the suspect's vehicle to Officer Taylor. Officer Taylor kept in constant contact with the victim as the investigation continued.

After obtaining the vehicle information, Officer Taylor was able to track down the owner of the vehicle. The owner was being held in the Sevier County Jail. Officer Taylor conducted an interview with the vehicle's owner and determined the vehicle had been stolen. Officer Taylor had suspect information and a description of the vehicle dispatched to all patrol officers.
During the next several days Officer Taylor kept searching for the vehicle and the suspect. On March 28, Officer Taylor observed the suspect's vehicle on Oakland Street. The suspect fled the area before Officer Taylor could conduct a traffic stop. A canvass of the area where the suspect was spotted uncovered an abandoned house on Ashland Avenue that was being used by the suspect. Property belonging to the victim on Sunset Road along with other stolen property was recovered from the house.
On March 29, officers patrolling the area in an unmarked vehicle encountered the suspect and followed the vehicle until marked patrol units could initiate a traffic stop on Sunset Road. The suspect, 41-year-old James Robinson, was taken into custody and interviewed by officers. During the interview, Robinson confessed to several home burglaries. Robinson was charged with 3 counts of burglary, 2 counts of felony reckless endangerment, 2 counts of felony flight by motor vehicle and 8 misdemeanor driving related charges.
Chief Owen said, "Officer Taylor knew a young woman was being terrorized by this suspect who burglarized her residence more than once. His belief in the inherent right to feel safe and secure in one's home was the driving force for the capture of this suspect."
Mayor Haslam said, "Officer Taylor has set an example for all others to follow. We commend him on his dedication to his job and to the community."
Officer Taylor will receive a signed certificate from the Mayor and Chief along with a free dinner from Bayou Bay Seafood House.