New Goodwill Recycling Supercenter to Open

Communications Director

Kristin Farley
(865) 215-2589

400 Main St., Room 691
Knoxville, TN 37902

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New Goodwill Recycling Supercenter to Open

Posted: 10/16/2008
Mayor Bill Haslem announced today the opening of a new City Super Recycling Center located at 820 Metler Dr. just off Clinton Hwy.

"This location is operated by our long time recycling partner Goodwill and has an attended Goodwill collection trailer," said Haslam. The attendant is on duty from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The center replaces the one at old Kroger on the corner of Merchants Av. and Clinton Hwy that has been closed for the past year.

"The center is expected to produce 500 tons of recyclables," said John Homa, City of Knoxville Public Service Department, Solid Waste Project Manager. "Our past records indicate the site at the old Kroger store collected an average of 500 tons a year. With the concern our residents have about the environment and willingness to recycle whenever possible the center could easily collect over that amount," said Homa.

The center will collect donated materials to Goodwill and recyclable aluminum cans, newspaper, clear glass, brown glass, green glass, steel cans, plastics #1 to #7, cardboard and mixed paper.

Other recycling centers throughout the city include:


Kroger Stores
2217 Broadway - Broadway Shopping Center
5003 Broadway - Fountain City
4440 Western Ave. at Clinton - I-640 Plaza
4918 Kingston Pike - Knox Plaza

Goodwill Collection Centers
225 W. Moody Ave
Corner of Magnolia Ave. & Alice - across from Chilhowee Park
341 Parkvillage Rd.
820 Metler Dr.


Downtown Recycling Center, 400 State St.

At all of these locations, Knoxvillians can recycle aluminum cans, newspaper, clear glass, brown glass, green glass, steel cans, #1 to #7 plastics, cardboard and mixed paper.


Food City Stores
5941 Kingston Pike
2939 Alcoa Hwy

At these Food City locations, aluminum cans, mixed paper, newspaper and #1-#2 plastics are accepted. The Alcoa Highway store also accepts cardboard.