With school starting on Aug. 17, Knox County Health Department (KCHD) is holding special extended clinic hours in two of its facilities to accommodate the school immunization rush. The clinics will be open on selected days until 8 p.m. providing vaccinations during the two weeks leading up to the start of the school year. (NOTE: All other KCHD services also will be provided during regular business hours on immunization clinic days. The time between 4:30 and 8 p.m. will be dedicated exclusively to providing school vaccinations.) Dates, locations and directions are included below for your reference.
"Preparing for a new school year is a very busy time for families," said Mark Jones, Knox County Health Department director. "As public health professionals, we are pro-active about immunizations and want to make it more convenient for parents who are unable to bring their children during the day."
Children enrolling in school for the first time or into a Knox County school for the first time must present proof of immunization and proof of a physical examination within the last year.
Knox County Health Department offers the complete child immunization series throughout the year, but demand increases dramatically just before school starts. There is no charge for any child less than 19 years of age who is a Knox County resident. Out-of-county residents pay a $10 fee, cash or check. No appointment is necessary. Parents should bring their child's shot record, if possible. To expedite visits, parent can download forms from the KCHD Web site at www.knoxcounty.org/health and fill them out before coming to the clinic.
"We also want to remind parents that immunizations don't end at kindergarten," said Mary Ann Harrison, RN and manager of KCHD's Patient Health Services and International Travel Clinic.
Eleven-year-olds need a tetanus booster and meningitis vaccine, and seventh-grade students are required to have the Hepatitis B series. Hepatitis A is now available for everyone over age one year old. Also, a second varicella (chickenpox) vaccine is now suggested for all who have only received one dose. The new Human Papilloma Virus vaccine is recommended for female children.
Child immunizations not only help protect vaccinated individuals from developing serious diseases such as Polio, Measles, Mumps and Rubella, they also help protect entire communities by preventing and reducing the spread of infectious agents.
"Getting shots is never fun, but we try to make the experience as pleasant as possible for our young clients," said Harrison. "Many times, the child handles it better than the parent."
Two KCHD facilities will be open for school immunizations.
MAIN CLINIC, 140 DAMERON AVENUEDates Open: Tuesday, Aug. 4, Thursday, Aug. 6, Tuesday, Aug. 11, Thursday, Aug. 13
Hours Open: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Phone: 865-215-5071
Directions from I-275: Exit at Baxter Avenue; turn east on to Baxter Avenue; go to Wray Street traffic light; turn right on Wray, go 2 blocks; turn left on to Dameron Avenue; left in to patient parking lot. Parking is free.
WEST CLINIC, 1028 OLD CEDAR BLUFFDates Open: Tuesday, Aug. 4, Thursday, Aug. 6, Tuesday, Aug. 11, Thursday, Aug. 13
Hours Open: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Phone: 865-215-5950
Directions From I-40: North on Cedar Bluff Road, go approximately 1 mile to light at Weigel's; turn right on to Old Cedar Bluff; clinic is the first brick building on right.
Directions From Middlebrook Pike: CVS is on the right, Horn of Plenty on left; turn left onto Old Cedar Bluff; clinic is on the left. Parking is free.
Parents should bring their child’s shot record, if possible.
Knox County Health Department (KCHD) is committed to promoting public health policies and practices that safeguard and improve quality of life for all residents. KCHD offers an array of resources, including medical and dental services, family planning, disease surveillance and control, emergency preparedness, air quality management, environmental services, food preparation oversight in public places, special nutritional programs for women with children and much more. For more information, visit