Knoxville Mayor Bill Haslam and Chief Sterling Owen awarded the Citizens Service Award to Knoxville Police Department Explorer Cameron Paidousis.
Chief Owen said Explorer Paidousis has performed beyond expectations while participating in the 2010 UT Football season. Explorer Paidousis has taken a leadership role in assisting in the scheduling and deployment of volunteer services.
Chief Owen said, "For each home game Cameron has secured a vehicle and has provided transportation to all Explorers as they need to go to and from their duty assignments. He has also taken the initiative to set barricades for crowd control in front of Neyland Stadium without supervision."
Explorer Paidousis also coordinates the Volunteer Courtesy Officers deployment to establish maximum use of available resources for crowd control.
Chief Owen said, "Cameron has initiated all of these activities without instruction, by his own initiate, and without error. All of this work is in addition to various other assignments he has conducted during special events in our community."
Mayor Haslam said, "We appreciate all the volunteer work that Explorer Paidousis has contributed to the community. Citizens such as Cameron who are willing to put forth such a tremendous effort is what makes Knoxville such a great place to live."