The Office of the Ten-Year Plan to End Chronic Homelessness would like to invite the public to a conversation at the New Harvest Park community building from 6 p.m. until 7 p.m. on Wednesday, November 17. New Harvest Park is located at 4775 New Harvest Lane, 37918.
The Office of the Ten-Year Plan to End Chronic Homelessness would like to invite the public to a conversation at the New Harvest Park community building.
The topic will be KCDC (Knoxville's Community Development Corporation) and how it helps to make affordable housing available to qualified residents in Knoxville and Knox County. We will pay special attention to housing for people who have experienced homelessness. Deborah Taylor, KCDC Section 8 Director, will present for the first half-hour with a moderated Q & A to follow.
This is the seventh in a series of similar public conversations. We will continue to offer them on a regular basis. We do not plan to hold a public conversation in December due to the fact that most people's schedules are so full around the holidays.
We plan to announce our next public conversation in January 2011. We like to keep these meetings concise to respect the time of attendees and invite presenters who can speak to their areas of expertise and to the roles that they play in support of the TYP. We'll open up the floor for questions and conversation on the specific issue being addressed, and we'll ask attendees for ideas about subjects they'd like for us to address in future public conversations.