City's Winter Weather Operations

Communications Director

Kristin Farley
(865) 215-2589

400 Main St., Room 691
Knoxville, TN 37902

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City's Winter Weather Operations

Posted: 01/10/2011
City of Knoxville Public Service crews are continuing to work clearing main routes but driving conditions could be somewhat difficult this morning.

Crews began treating streets with a brine solution on Saturday and Sunday in preparation for this morning's snowfall and have been out since early this morning applying salt and implementing the city's snow/ice response plan.

The brine helps prevent snow from bonding with the road surface and also lowers the melting point.

"It's snowing. We have a good two to three inches of snow with very cold temperatures and cold weather for the past two days," said David Brace, deputy director of the Public Service Department. "Everything is staying down."

Brace said crews begin going out at 3 a.m. and that all twenty-one vehicles the city uses for snow response w ere on the road.

In addition to working on clearing the main routes crews will also respond to calls from the Knoxville Police Department and Knoxville Fire Department for emergency service.