Contact 311 to Report Uninsured Damage Estimate from Violent Storms

Communications Director

Kristin Farley
(865) 215-2589

400 Main St., Room 691
Knoxville, TN 37902

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Contact 311 to Report Uninsured Damage Estimate from Violent Storms

Posted: 05/11/2011
Homeowners and business owners that suffered uninsured damage totaling more than half the value of their property during the series of violent storms on April 25-27, are encouraged to contact the City of Knoxville's 311 with an estimate of the uninsured damage.

The Knoxville-Knox County Emergency Management Agency is collecting information - for that level of damage - that it will forward to the Federal Emergency Management Agency to determine if the city is eligible for certain types of federal disaster assistance.

The agency will be gathering the information - using 311 - through Friday, May 13.

Any calls to the City of Knoxville's 311 are not considered to be official reports nor formal claims. The city is accepting information and will forward it to the emergency management agency.