If you have driven Neyland Drive within the past week, you have noticed that all four lanes are open and fully functional in both directions.
Locust Street, too, has reopened to allow access to Neyland west from downtown.
As a result, the contractor has moved his demolition operations to the north side of the bridge and will concentrate his efforts there and the remaining arch spans over the river.
It was first estimated that the bridge demolition would be ongoing until the end of the year, but with the contractor working long hours during the week and on Saturdays, we might expect to see the Henley Bridge completely gone (arches not included) by the end of October.Reconstruction of the north end of the bridge continues adjacent to Hill Avenue and should be complete in a couple of months.
In the meantime, crews will be working on the arches repairing any spalled areas of the concrete that have deteriorated over the years.
If you have questions concerning the bridge or need maps or brochures, please feel free to stop by the Henley Community Center Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. or call 865-577-6988. To find out more about the project, detours, Henley Bridge history and to view the project cameras you can visit
www.tn.gov/henley. You can also follow the project updates on twitter at
- Henley Bridge Project Community Center