TDOT Launches SR-62 Western Avenue Project Website

Communications Director

Kristin Farley
(865) 215-2589

400 Main St., Room 691
Knoxville, TN 37902

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TDOT Launches SR-62 Western Avenue Project Website

Posted: 03/09/2011
A $31.4 million project to widen State Route 62, also known as Western Avenue, in Knox County is now underway.

The project will reconstruct the existing two lane roadway to a five-lane facility beginning at Schaad Road and extending approximately 3.9 miles to Copper Kettle Road. When complete, the road will consist of four 12 foot traffic lanes, a 12 foot center lane, 10 foot outside shoulders, curb & gutter, and 5 foot wide sidewalks.

The contractor for the project is APAC-Atlantic, Inc. of Knoxville, and the project is slated for completion in December of 2013.

To keep the public informed on the progress of the SR-62 project, TDOT has created a project website, Included on the website are project facts, contact information, and frequently asked questions. As the project progresses, the website will be updated with information on what has been accomplished and what work lies ahead. Those interested in the project are encouraged to check back often for current project information.

For more information on TDOT construction project activity visit the TDOT SmartWay website at Travelers can also dial 511 from any land-line or cellular phone for travel information or can follow us on Twitter at for statewide travel information or for traffic information in the Knoxville area. Motorists are reminded to use all motorist information tools responsibly. Drivers should refrain from texting, tweeting or using a mobile phone while operating a vehicle. TDOT advises drivers to "Know before you go!" by checking traffic conditions before leaving for their destination.