City of Knoxville Staff Prepares for Emergency Events

Communications Director

Kristin Farley
(865) 215-2589

400 Main St., Room 691
Knoxville, TN 37902

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City of Knoxville Staff Prepares for Emergency Events

Posted: 02/17/2012
It's been a mild winter so far, but that's no guarantee a weather-related storm - or other emergencies - won't strike at any time.

In order to be prepared for such an event, Mayor Madeline Rogero, departmental directors and other members of the administration will be taking part in an Emergency Response Training session on Monday at the 911 Center, 605 Bernard Ave.

The session will cover information on the city's emergency plan in the wake of a disaster as well as provide brief presentations from Homeland Security, the Knox County Health Department and additional agencies.

"Many cities have faced severe losses as a result of tornadoes, floods and other tragedies," said Mayor Rogero. "We want to make sure our response is swift and strong should we ever face similar threats."

Members of the media are invited to attend part of the session, from 9:15 a.m. to 10 a.m., while the group tours the Emergency Operations Center and the Mobile Command Center. Fire Chief Stan Sharp, Police Chief David Rausch, Mayor Rogero and others will be available for interviews.

The Knoxville-Knox County Emergency Management Agency is hosting the event with Director Alan Lawson. The agency provides plans, training and exercises to ensure the most efficient use of manpower and equipment when disasters or other emergencies happen.