KUB is pleased to announce it has received its first all-electric, on-road vehicle, the Nissan Leaf. Using no gasoline and needing no oil changes, the new Leaf will reduce emissions and provide KUB the opportunity to learn about how electric vehicles (EVs) use energy from the electric distribution system. As an early market for the Leaf, Knoxville is starting to see this new breed of vehicles on the road.
Most auto manufacturers are developing vehicles that need to be charged by plugging in to the electric grid, whether they're solely battery-powered or use a combination of battery power and fuel. To learn about how consumers will respond, a national EV infrastructure study, The EV Project, is installing charging equipment throughout the area.
As transportation and electricity become linked, KUB's goal remains to provide customers with reliable power. For example, KUB participated in a national Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) study that modeled the impact of EV charging on power distribution. Also, KUB employees served on the local Knoxville Advisory Board for The EV Project and helped to assess potential charging locations in the community.
KUB's Mail Services will use the new Leaf for mail runs averaging about 40 miles a day. That will help KUB gain hands-on experience with the charging equipment and with managing the range limitations of an all-electric vehicle.
"We are very excited about the Nissan Leaf," said Pam Jordan, KUB Manager of Communications and Environmental Stewardship. "The car sports a distinctive "wrap" that promotes green power and KUB's commitment to environmental stewardship."
Customers planning to install EV charging equipment at their home or business should contact KUB's New Service request line at 865-558-2555 to determine if any KUB system upgrades will be needed.
For more information about electric vehicles, visit www.kub.org and select "Environment". "Electric Vehicles" is listed on the right as a Quick Link. Also, the Department of Energy's Alternative Fuels and Advanced Vehicles Data Center website discusses a variety of vehicle types at
As part of its commitment to environmental stewardship, KUB uses alternative fuel vehicles to help improve air quality. Its transportation fleet includes a total of 507 vehicles that are powered by biodiesel, hybrid electric, compressed natural gas, E-10 ethanol, E-85 ethanol, or electricity.