Approximately 18,000 KUB customers remain without electricity as of 4 a.m. this morning following a severe storm that hit the KUB service territory early Thursday evening. There were approximately 56,000 customers without power throughout KUB's service area immediately following the storm. KUB began assessing damage and making repairs overnight, and will continue to work non-stop to restore power to all customers. Outages remain scattered throughout KUB's service area, with the largest concentrations in the south Knoxville and Seymour areas.
Large numbers of trees and wires were reported to be on the ground following the storm. KUB continues to advise customers that those lines could be energized, and they should stay well away from any downed lines. Also avoid any trees or limbs on the ground as they may be in contact with those lines, as well. Customers are also reminded to call KUB at 524-2911 or 1-800-250-8068 to report outages. A definitive time frame for restoration of specific areas is not available. Based on information available at this time, KUB expects this to be a multi-day event.
KUB determines the order of restoration in the following sequence:
Critical system loads that include communications systems, water/wastewater pump stations, hospitals, and other services vital to public welfare. Transmission lines (the backbone of the electric system) serving large numbers of customers. Substation equipment that can impact large numbers, as well. Distribution lines serving subdivisions, large housing areas, and commercial areas. Service lines and transformers that serve small numbers of customers. Service lines and transformers serving individual customers.