May is National Bicycle Month

Communications Director

Kristin Farley
(865) 215-2589

400 Main St., Room 691
Knoxville, TN 37902

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May is National Bicycle Month

Posted: 04/11/2012
Celebrate National Bike Month by getting on your bike and enjoying a ride with elected officials on Monday, May 7, 2012 starting at 6pm.

Meet in the parking lot at Wynnsong Theatre, east end, off Peters Rd. The ride will start at the beginning of the Ten Mile Creek Greenway and continue to the Jean Teague Greenway. The group will turn around at West Hills Elementary School and return by the same route, approximately 6 miles total.

The ride will reveal the natural beauty of the Ten Mile Creek Greenway and the connectivity to neighborhoods and West Hills Elementary School of the Jean Teague Greenway. The ride will also show the challenges of connecting the west end of Ten Mile Creek Greenway to the Turkey Creek Greenway either by a separated or on road bike facility to establish a safe corridor for continuity of the Knoxville area bike network.

After the ride enjoy refreshments and learn about bicycling for commuting, health, and recreation.

Sponsors are Bike Walk Tennessee, Smoky Mountain Wheelmen Bike Club, Southern Cycling Operations, Mast General Store, Knox County Safe Routes to School Partnership, Knox/Knoxville Parks and Greenways.