On Tuesday, Dec. 4 there will be a public meeting on the City's Downtown Wayfinding Project. Meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. in The Emporium Center located at 100 S. Gay St. Parking available in the Jackson Avenue Lot or in metered street spaces.
Officials from the City's Engineering Department and Office of Redevelopment will provide an update on the TDOT process for the Downtown Wayfinding Project.
The City has received a grant from TDOT to implement the Wayfinding system. The City has selected consultants Gresham Smith & Partners of Knoxville and Nashville to assist with meeting the environmental, right of way and construction documentation and review requirements of the TDOT Local Government Guidelines. The consultants will be on hand to provide a timeline and answer questions.
The meeting is open to the general public. Anyone needing a disability accommodation in order to attend the meeting can contact City ADA Coordinator Stephanie Brewer Cook at 215-2034 or scook@knoxvilletn.gov.